Our Transparency model

100% donations go to the field

What is our model ?

Mother’s Meal offers a 100 % transparent model in our Finances and financial management. We also would ensure that 100% of funds donated to this cause by you would reach the family you support. Whatever expenses the organisation might incur in implementing the project, will be met by the organisation by funds raised specifically and separately for its administration. 

What about credit card fees?

This has to be borne by the person who is paying it. This means that when you donate a certain amount, we are actually getting the amount minus the credit card fees. 

Who is covering server costs/NGO operations costs?

Whatever expenses the organisation might incur in implementing the project, will be met by the organisation by funds raised specifically and separately for its administration.

Do we have external Auditors ? Details.

Yes. We have internal and external auditors. We have a finance and legal team that develops policies and required measures to ensure all compliances. Our external auditors are Dias and Associates, Bangalore. FRN. 0071045. We will also upload the annual audited accounts of the movement in our website. 

How do we pay our overheads to ensure donations goto field?

Ours being a movement, we don’t spend much on the internal administration. The implementation is done by committed like minded organisations and individuals, who are willing to cover the expenses for purchase and distribution by themselves. It is a passion and an opportunity for them to be able to help the people in need around them. Whatever expenses the organisation might incur in implementing the project, will be met by the organisation by funds raised specifically and separately for its administration. Your contribution will be 100% used for feeding the family you support.